National Credit Ratings Limited (NCR) is number one for credit union ratings especially for those finance organizations that give cash advance loans and takes high risk deposits from clients.
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National Credit Ratings Ltd

Rating Scale and Definition

Rating Scales and Definition
Long Term Credit Ratings
(Bank/Financial Institutions/NBFIs/Corporate/Debt Instruments)


Rating Scale Definition
AAA Excellent quality, offering highest safety for timely servicing of financial obligations. Such institutions carry minimum risk
AA+,AA,AA- Very strong capacity for timely servicing of financial obligations offering high safety. Such institutions carry very low risk.
A+,A,A- Strong capacity for timely servicing of financial obligations offering adequate safety. Such institutions carry low credit risk.
BBB+,BBB,BBB- Adequate capacity for timely servicing of financial obligations offering moderate safety. The rating category denotes a moderate credit risk. However changes in circumstances or economic conditions are more likely to affect the capacity for timely servicing of financial obligations.
BB+,BB,BB- Inadequate safety for timely servicing of financial obligations. Such institutions carry high credit risk. The entity remains more vulnerable to adverse economic changes over time.
B+,B,B- Low safety for timely servicing of financial obligations.
CCC, CC, C Very high risk for timely servicing of financial obligations.
D Entities with this rating are of the lowest category. They are either in default or likely to be in default soon.

Short Term Credit Ratings 
( Bank/Financial Institutions/ NBFIs/Corporate/Debt Instruments)


Rating Scale Definition
ST-1 Strongest capacity for timely payment of financial commitments and carry lowest credit risk.
ST-2 Strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments and carry lowest credit risk
ST-3 Satisfactory capacity for timely payment of financial commitments and carry very low credit risk.
ST-4 Moderate capacity for timely payment of financial commitments and carry Moderate credit risk
ST-5 Uncertain capacity for timely payment of financial commitments and carry high credit risk.
ST-6 Indicates actual or inherent payment default.

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